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What is Guru ? - The complete science of Guru and disciple - by jagadguru shri kripaluji maharaj

 Hello, curious beings today, we have come to understand the relationship between Guru and disciple, today we will understand it through Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, he is the fifth original Jagadguru of this Kali Yuga, so he is able to throw a very deep light on this subject. Understand,
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            Guru Shishya Vigyan -The Science of Guru-Disciple Six seekers have asked a question , so please understand in brief The science of Guru and disciple you hear The characteristics of a Saint. The need for a Saint. A Saint who has come in direct contact with us and directly helps us is called a Guru A Guru, or a God-realized Saint, has to be shrotriya and brahmanisht These are two qualities of a Guru First, he/she has knowledge of all the Scriptures Even if he is illiterate After God-realization, God gives him the knowledge of all the Scriptures He does not need to study - (Chandogya Upanishad 6.1.3) The Vedas declare that upon God-realization, all knowledge is automatically attained So the Vedas have stated this condition that the Guru must be shrotriya And second - brahmanisht - he must have attained God Not a seeker is still under Maya Today he's a good seeker. Tomorrow he may become bad. (Scriptural Verse) A seeker can fall even from Bhav-Bhakti(a state just before God-realization) Hence no one can claim to be free from Maya before God-realization They go up and down Hence, a Guru must be God-realized, and also have full Scriptural knowledge Otherwise, who will resolve our doubts? We will go to some other Guru. This won't work.  

             If he is a true Guru, a true God-realized saint Then he will have full scriptural knowledge and be able to dispel our doubts So if someone is able to find such a Guru in some life Then that faithful, sincere, and a detached person should accept him as his Guru Pay attention to each and every word. The disciple has accepted him as his Guru, in his heart The Guru won't make him his disciple. Impossible! No Saint will make a soul his disciple until that the soul's heart is 100% pure. This deception has been going on in our world for many years of making disciples Even toddlers and infants are being given initiation. These are the depths our country has fallen to. This initiation is through mantras given in the ear What are these mantras? They are God's names Like in Sanskrit, we have - (Sanskrit mantras) These are all Guru mantras What do they mean?"O God, I bow down to You" "O Krishna, I surrender to You"this is one sect's mantra So if we say this same thing in any other language, will God not listen to us? Is He also language prejudiced?"I will only listen if you speak in Sanskrit" No, He only looks at the sentiments of the heart (Chaitanya Bhagavat) Then why don't we ever ask our Guru"What are you giving me in my ear?" "It's a mantra.  

           The name of God" But sir, even donkeys in India know the names of God. Who doesn't know? Here, God's name is chanted even upon death What are you giving me in my ear? "My child, there is divine power in this mantra" This is the mantra of my Guru's Guru's Guru's Guru So is that divine power not in Ram, or Shyam, or other names of God? If I don't chant your mantra and instead chant "Hare Ram" or "Govind Jai Jai" are those same divine powers not present? Now that guru will have to be silent Because the Scriptures say that God is seated in His every name, with all His powers (Verse, Shikshashtakam) And if he says "No, the other names don't have the power of the Guru mantra" Okay, then give me the mantra. But if that mantra does not have an effect on me Then I will beat you with my shoe 50 times. Be prepared, Mr. Guru. Take off your cap and sit ready You will have to prove that your guru mantra has divine power As soon as it enters the ear, Maya should be dispelled and divine joy should manifest Now either the Guru will run away in the night, or he will apologize to you These hypocrites have ruined our country by initiating millions with guru mantras And look at these fools who get initiated -they don't even ask what they are receiving God's name? But you already know this. What are they giving you? They don't even have theoretical knowledge. What will they give you? They don't even know the names of the Scriptures. So first we accept someone to be our Guru He won't make you his disciple. But we will accept him as Guru. And then first, we will understand spiritual theory What is the soul? What is God? What is Maya? Don't ever think "Why do I need knowledge? I'll just love God" Without spiritual knowledge, your love can crumble in an instant, In fact, you will not even develop love Tell me - from your birth to adulthood -what did you know about Radha? If the personality of Radha was not explained to you in such depth Then how would you experience this much joy in taking Her name? Who is Krishna? If this was not explained then the faith and love that you have for Him today -how much smaller would it be! If it was not explained to you that God and the Saints act through Yogamaya and hence remain beyond Maya even when doing material things If this philosophy was not explained to you, then you would wonder "Even Shankar, Parvati and Garuda fell to Maya.

              What's the use of God-realization? I too will fall to Maya" So spiritual knowledge is very important. Gauranga Mahaprabhu said"Don't be careless! Acquire knowledge!" So first, a Guru will give us spiritual knowledge Who are you? Who do you belong to? Who is yours? Why is your mind getting attached to the world? How do you detach it? He will explain all this in detail. Question him fully and become clear. You accept him as Guru? Then ask and understand. And then follow his directions for spiritual practice He hasn't made you a disciple yet. But you must make him a Guru. Because if you don't, then you won't believe in his spiritual directions Then you won't practice, you won't surrender, and the Guru won't take responsibility for you The Guru maintains and protects you only to the limit of your surrender to him. In this way, the Guru will help you even as you do your spiritual practice And when your heart is purified, now the Guru will initiate you Saints have initiated in dozens of ways -by ear, by a glance, by embrace He has to give. He can do that through any excuse. He can even give with a punch! It is not necessary that it has to be by ear Gauranga Mahaprabhu gave many through embraces Some Saints have given it through a glance They have their ways. He has to give - be it by any means. Now if someone finds out in between that his Guru is not right, not God-realized I was naive. My father or my husband was getting initiated and I went along. Or some are forced into it. "Go get the mantra. One shouldn't even accept water from the uninitiated." This is just propaganda that those gurus fill into your heads. The soul is ignorant. What does he know about the Scriptural qualities of a true Saint? So if you have accepted a wrong Guru, don't fight or argue. Separate yourself quietly. Become neutral - neither love nor hate Is wary to never hate in this world! "He cheated me!"Okay - but you also got cheated If the cheat is guilty, then so is the cheated Why did he accept him without thinking? So, without fighting or ill-feelings, quietly separate yourself and search for a true Saint And my opinion is instead of searching, just cry and call out to Krishna directly He will grace you with a Saint. You won't find him just by searching. Because a true Saint can be very mystifying (Chaitanya Mahaprabhu) Even the most intelligent cannot understand him If we go to him with this pride"Let me see if he is a Saint or not" Then he will act such that you will immediately turn around and run away He knows your heart. He will do whatever you hate, and you will run away. Hence, there is no place for pride near God or the Saints. You will fall on your head. When we cry out to God, with faith and sincerity, He will arrange for you to meet a Saint So if things work out in this way, then surrender to that Saint And when you surrender to a true Saint, you will directly experience the benefit Note this down! You will directly experience the benefit Yes, I have gained spiritual knowledge. I now understand so much. My mind is getting attached to God and getting detached from the world When you start feeling thereafter continuously doing Satsang Then you have firm proof that your Guru is practically realized. So much time has passed without me realizing! I never imagined that I could give so much time in this life to spirituality At home, I am not able to devote even half an hour to God. I get bored.
                Now let's say you find another Saint -and they are both true Saints Even then, only go to that Saint under whom you are practicing and progressing Don't go to other Saints -because all Saints have their own methods Shankaracharya, Vallabhacharya, Mahaprabhu -they all instruct in different ways Then we will become confused And we will say - "This one is a Saint, but I didn't like this one" Ill-feeling towards a Saint is a spiritual transgression, which destroys all spiritual earnings So if someone finds a true Saint and is experiencing benefit then let him only follow his directions Don't associate elsewhere Some people have this illness -"I will listen to whoever talks at this Temple" Now all kinds of ignorant people will come to speak there If you hear them, you will say"This fool knows nothing" So did you go hear them just to insult them? When you have understood what to do, why are you going to hear? Now focus on practicing Hearing after understanding is wasting time Hearing before understanding is necessary But if you go on hearing after you have understood Someone who is not a Saint cannot explain correctly. He will make mistakes. And since you can spot those mistakes, you will criticize him And that ill-feeling will cause you to harm He is what he is. But why are you harming yourself? So all this running around to hear everyone Whatever baba or pundit we meet, we put on a show and an act Countless lives have been wasted doing this - not one We gained nothing - and earned transgressions So just follow the instructions and spiritual practice of your Guru Don't go here and there Wherever you are -do your spiritual practice Invest all your time into practical sadhana And if you ever forget something or have a doubt, ask your Guru Don't go here and there Else people will create doubts.
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                And when a soul doubts, he will fall (Gita 4.40) Hence, although our Scriptures say you can change Gurus many times Even if you meet ten true Saints You can leave the first for the second, and then for the third ... As long as you have no ill-feelings towards any of them You can make a thousand Gurus. There's no restriction. But if you have ill-feelings towards even a single Saint, then it is a spiritual transgression You will be caught - you cannot attainGod's love even if you cry day and night God hates this the most "You think ill of My own, and yet you want to become Mine?" My Saints are My very life! I am pleased by their service alone, and yet you think against them And you call for Me? So, we must accept a true God-realized saint as our Guru in our heart and follow his instructions for spiritual practice and ask only him when in doubt and everywhere else, keep pure sentiment and respect from afar Don't associate with them First, you don't know if they are Saints And even if they are, their methods will be different If we keep changing our practice, we'll do this for four days and that for four days And our life will be over before we attain our goal. But if one leaves a true Saint to take shelter of another true Saint Don't think the first Saint will be angry If he is a true Saint, he will never be angry A Saint only wants every soul to love God Whether they do that under him, or insulting him - he is happy to Let them love my Beloved -this is what every true Saint wants Only the fake saints running a business get upset when people leave them They insult and threaten. This deceit and trickery will end only when they are beaten with slippers. Such cheats. They intimidate their disciples. They say things like "You have insulted your Guru!" So we must not get scared by these things But stay away from criticizing and thinking ill of anyone Detach your mind from there and take it to the Guru who benefits you more And keep moving towards your goal No true Guru will get upset with you. And if he is a fake guru Then who cares if he's upset -you are in the shelter of a divine power In front of whom (Ambarish), even Durvasa accepted defeat So you don't need to fear So you must establish a Guru-disciple relationship and do sadhana And when you fully purify your heart, then that Guru will initiate you. Like in your house, you have to first install all the electrical fittings, wires and devices Then the powerhouse will verify your fittings and will connect your house to power, and immediately - Your house is filled with light, and everything starts working Everything happens at 186000 miles per second (speed of light) After the powerhouse gives you power, there is nothing left to be done Your work ended with your heart's purification Nothing left to do. Just enjoy divine bliss. 

                  Diksha means to receive that divine spiritual happiness by Grace After that, no question of it being snatched away And no effort needed to maintain it It will not leave even if you try! Nothing you can do can make Krishna leave your heart. Impossible. Krishna Himself cannot leave your heart, despite being all-powerful. What will you do? This is why Surdas says - (Verse, Surdas) "O Krishna, they say you are the Supreme Lord. Let me see You leave my heart, and I will accept it." This is impossible. When a color is released into molten wax, it can never again be separated Then how will the soul? That's why you hear of the difficult initiations by great Saints A man once came to becomeShankaracharya's disciple Shankaracharya first tested him He told a street cleaner "Dump your wastebasket on the head of the pundit who will come to me" The pundit started yelling and abusing Shankaracharya told him "You run to eat people, and you want to become my disciple?" "Go away. First, practice devotion and purify your heart." He practiced and prepared for a year and returned Shankaracharya tested him again He told the cleaner to sweep his broom into the pundit's feet When the cleaner's broom touched his feet, the pundit turned red with rage But he remembered he had failed the last time So he did not revile or abuse But Shankaracharya was all-knowing and saw his heart "You don't bite anymore, but you still growl" Then he tested him a third time So until the heart is fully purified, how will any Saint give diskha? Understand this -spiritual love has so much power that even if someone gave it to you before you are qualified Your body would burst into shreds. You cannot withstand. 

             Your heart is so weak that you cannot bear even great worldly pain or pleasure Then how will you bear such great power? Hence you have to become eligible -just like in the world You want to be a lawyer? First, become a graduate First get your BA and then study law Directly teach me the law. Why must I waste 18 years? No, no, this is impossible Even in the world, we need to become eligible to truly benefit from something A wrestler keeps hitting his body like this But if someone were to hit a newborn like that Then a single punch would kill it, For now, the mother gently strokes the baby Even when he's a toddler, she beats him gently If she hit him hard, she may break something So all that will come later, For now, we have to accept a true Saint -from whom we can experience greater benefit And we will have to renounce ties to others- but without any hatred for them We'll have to leave our attachment- neither love not to hate Quietly separate yourself. Like if we find a necklace on the street A chain Nowadays, you'll find chains that are indistinguishable from real gold At least, I am zero in this subject You pick it up thinking it's gold But your friend reveals that it's a cheap fake Then you become careless with it You don't fight with the chain You just detach - I thought it was gold So you thought he was a Saint and you associated with him for years But now you realized he's not. Or you found a greater thing. Then quietly separate yourself. Fighting, arguing, ill-will - don't do this In this way, you can keep separating and making hundreds of Gurus And you'll have to! If you don't attain God, you'll be reborn -and again you'll make a Guru Every soul has made countless Gurus This is not like a physical marriage, that once you are married you are done Nowadays, even marriages are not final. People divorce and re-marry. But God does not have such rules In countless lives, we must have tried to find God and must have made Gurus But either the Guru was not right Or we did not properly follow his orders and do sadhana One of these failed - or our job would have been done So these are few things to understand about Guru and disciple And the rest - some other time All glories to our Guru! 
                                                                                             By jagadguru shri kripaluji Maharaj

                                             the complete science of guru and disciples 

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